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CURA Talks Breast

The purpose of cura Talks Breast is to provide information that seeks to improve the quality of life and outcomes of cancer patients in Brazil, including its support network. With the objective of bringing together patients, support networks, interested personnel and NGOs seeking more information about Clinical Research, the Cura Project Institute will present evidence from doctors, psychologists and professionals focused on the effort to expand and create access to clinical research in Brazil.

Past events

2nd Edition Cura Talks

In this edition, the event had as its theme “Regulatory Pathways of Clinical Research in Brazil”. The objective was to promote information to society about the importance of research to combat cancer and to understand why it is important to have a Bill (PL 6007/23 (formerly PL 7082/17), to regulate research. The bill proposes changes to the current regulations that regulate the way clinical trials with human beings are conducted. Important discussion, to contribute to building the next steps to implement the changes and to guarantee the rights of research participants.

Câncer: Conviver sem deixar de viver

No Outubro Rosa o Instituto Projeto Cura apoio e participa do evento realizado pelo Pérola Centro de Pesquisa em Oncologia (PCPO), convidamos você para uma experiência única! Não é apenas mais um evento – é um convite para enxergar o câncer de uma nova maneira. É possível viver com câncer de mama metastático e ter uma vida plena?Qual a importância da pesquisa clínica para melhorar o tratamento do câncer?Como ressignificar sua trajetória?Essas e outras perguntas serão discutidas no encontro, contando com especialistas e depoimentos emocionantes que vão transformar sua forma de ver o câncer e a vida.

Painel Cura - 11º Congresso Todos Juntos contra o Câncer

O Congresso Todos Juntos Contra o Câncer é um dos maiores eventos sobre Oncologia e Saúde em todo o Brasil, onde reúnem-se os principais líderes do segmento. O Instituto Projeto Cura participa do congresso apresentando o painel Caminhos Regulatórios da Pesquisa Clínica no Brasil após a aprovação da Lei 14.874/24, que tem como objetivo informar, conscientizar, educar e debater com a população e especialistas de diferentes instituições, temas relacionado às pesquisas clínicas em oncologia e as recentes implementações da lei.

CURA Talks Breast Gramado

Dedicado a representantes de organizações de pacientes, profissionais da saúde, jornalistas e influenciadores, o Cura Talks Breast contará com a participação de especialistas renomados na área, que compartilharão suas experiências e inovações mais recentes. Além disso, o evento oferecerá sessões interativas, permitindo que os participantes discutam diretamente com os palestrantes. As inscrições para o Cura Talks Breast são gratuitas e limitadas. Participe conosco e ajude a promover a conscientização e o avanço das pesquisas clínicas no combate a um dos tipos de câncer mais comuns no Brasil e no mundo.

MAR 2024
2ª Edição Cura Talks

Nesta edição, o evento teve como tema “Caminhos regulatórios da pesquisa clínica no Brasil”. O objetivo foi promover informações à sociedade sobre a importância das pesquisas para o enfrentamento do câncer e entendermos porque é importante ter um Projeto de Lei (PL 6007/23 (anterior PL 7082/17), para regulamentar as pesquisas.O PL propõe mudanças na normativa atual que regulamenta a forma de conduzir os ensaios clínicos com seres humanos. Importante discussão, para contribuição com a construção dos próximos passos para a implementação das mudanças e garantirmos os direitos dos participantes de pesquisas.

SEP 2023
10th TJCC Congress

The Cure Project Institute, in addition to supporting the initiative, was present participating in a panel at the 10th edition of the All Together Against Cancer Congress. On September 28, from 14:40 to 16:10pm, the Cura Project panel took place at the TJCC: “The cure of cancer begins with research”, where Cura presented an enriching and practical explanation of the importance of clinical studies for curing cancer, taking as a real example, the NEOSAMBA research. The oncologist and researcher Dr. Heloisa Resende, a member of the Scientific Committee of Cura, the oncologist and researcher Dr. Ricardo Camponero, Claudiosvam Martim Alves de Souza - ANVISA's clinical research coordinator, and the research patient Ana Cristina Angrisano, were with Cura.

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JUN 2023
4th Edition of Cura Meetings

Organized by the Cura Project Institute, the meeting was supported by LACOG and the ETHICS Institute - Research and Teaching. In this edition, we talk about the topic: “Expanding the population's access to Clinical Research”. The purpose of the 4th CURA Meetings was to open a discussion with representatives from different health sectors, commenting on the challenges and opportunities of clinical oncology research, in order to expand patients' access to research in Brazil. CURA Meetings will take place on June 16, from 14:00 to 17:00 in São Paulo/SP

MAR 2023
Cura Talks

“What you should know about research and cancer: challenges and opportunities”. This was the theme of Cura TALKS, a meeting that aimed to promote knowledge and awareness about research that seeks a cure for cancer, as well as to engage patients, NGOs and companies in the cause. Cura Talks took place in a hybrid way on March 31, from 13:30 to 17:30, at the InterContinental - São Paulo/SP

3rd Edition of Cura Meetings

Under the theme “Clinical Research as a Form of Social Inclusion - Expanding Access to Clinical Research in Brazil”, the third edition of Cura Meetings aims to promote the development of new research, and it is necessary to encourage new public policies and technologies to promote the improvement of patient outcomes.

1st Edition - Immunotherapy Forum for Patients

Under the theme “Clinical Research as a form of access to immunotherapy in Brazil”, the event aims to improve the outcomes of cancer patients in Brazil, through increased research and patient access to innovative treatments.

JUN 2022
2nd Edition of Cura Meetings — BEST OF ASCO 2022 ANNUAL MEETING

The second edition of “Cura Meeetings” organized by the Cura Project Institute aimed to discuss “The challenges of public policies aimed at regulating and encouraging cancer research in Brazil.” In this edition, Cura Meetings was attended by renowned medical researchers, such as Dr. Carlos Barrios, Dr. Paulo Hoff, Dr. Fábio Franke, Dr. Ricardo Caponero and Dr. Rafael Laurindo, in addition to presentations of successful cases funded by incentive programs, by Fábio Fedozi from ABRALE and CURA.O “Cura” Meetings took place in a hybrid way, on June 10, from 2 pm to 5:30pm, at the Pullman Ibirapuera Hotel, in São Paulo, on the occasion of the Best of Asco 2022, which includes the LACOG and Ethics.

APR. 2022
1st Edition of Cura Meetings — NGOs

With the objective of expanding the knowledge and engagement of different sectors of society to reduce the incidence of cancer in Brazil, the Cura Project Institute held a series of meetings called “Cura Meetings” in 2022. The project will promote meetings and discussion among renowned doctors in the area on various topics, giving the public the opportunity to learn about the benefits and challenges of carrying out research in the fight against cancer. The premiere of Cura Meetings took place on April 29, during the Best of San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, organized by GBECAM — LACOG, at the Intercontinental Hotel in São Paulo. Cura Meetings NGOs, focusing on the topic “Clinical Research and Social Inclusion” - for leaders of NGOs and renowned medical researchers


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